Doramas 2021

 " DoramasJapones" is a joint production of two of the most popular drama writers in the world today, Mitsuru Adachi and Hiromitsu Ichiromitsu. The story takes place in the year twenty-one of the Meiji Period in Japan. Japan has been invaded by Russia and China since the early 20th century. As the Japanese soldiers occupied the country, they imposed their will upon the people and forced them to change their traditional ways into conformities with the imperialistic wishes of the westerners.

In this drama, the main characters are two brothers, who happen to be from the same town. They are forced to live in a house shared with other displaced people from the town. The life of these two brothers, Hidehiko and Takuo, becomes a misery for the rest of the time. As their tensions rise between them, they also find themselves drawn into the affairs of other Japanese called the doramasJapones.

" DoramasJapones" is actually part of a series of Japanese dramas. There are four parts of the series, which comprise the story of Hidehiko and Takuo, the two cousins who find themselves trapped together in a share house. At the end of the second part, the siblings reunite with the rest of their family in an attempt to finish their unfinished business. It is here that Hidehiko begins to change his attitude towards his old life. Eventually he realizes that he wants a new start in his life.

" DoramasJapones" also features the unlikely characters of Motohiro Nagashima and Minoru Furumoto. Motohiro Nagashima is a young artist who lives with his Uncle Miki in a share house near Tokyo. When his Uncle passes away, Motohiro moves into the house and meets Minoru Furumoto, a famous illustrator. From these two unlikely characters, two different stories unfold which are interwoven together by the clever writing and excellent acting. This drama not only won the first ever best comedy award for Japan, but also became a popular film internationally.

" DoramasJapones" is the story of two lovable characters who find themselves caught up in the conflicts surrounding Hidehiko and Takuo. The two cousins, Hidehiko, who is a contemporary artist, and Takuo, who runs a sushi restaurant, are pitted against the harsh prejudice of their boss, Mr. Tajiri. With the threat of a lawsuit pending, Mr. Tajiri finds himself in a compromising position, forcing him to make decisions that could affect either his business or his employees. This comedy drama features an original plot that keeps the narrative moving along, while maintaining its familiar Japanese theme.

" DoramasJapones" is well worth your time if you are looking for a great example of Japanese drama. The characters are humorous and the setting is charming. The music is lively and the story is entertaining. If you enjoy watching Japanese dramas, this one should be right up your alley!


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